Saturday 27 July 2019

Azure Databricks - Markdown

To create a markdown cell you need to use a "magic" command which is the short name of a Databricks magic command.
Magic commands start with %.
The magic for markdown is %md.
The magic commmand must always be the first text within the cell.
The following provides the list of supported magics:
  • %python - Allows you to execute Python code in the cell.
  • %r - Allows you to execute R code in the cell.
  • %scala - Allows you to execute Scala code in the cell.
  • %sql - Allows you to execute SQL statements in the cell.
  • sh - Allows you to execute Bash Shell commmands and code in the cell.
  • fs - Allows you to execute Databricks Filesystem commands in the cell.
  • md - Allows you to render Markdown syntax as formatted content in the cell.
  • run - Allows you to run another notebook from a cell in the current notebook.
To read more about magics see here.

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